Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hand made hugging pillow

Someone in Japan had made a hugging pillow cover with a character from konami game called love plus

936 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:19:51
just made a"rin ko"hugging pillow !
try to hang it up without putting anything in

中身を入れてアップ(put the pillow in and take a close shot)

lying "rin ko" (should be able to see how large is the hugging pillow by the feet in the picture)

try to take the photo from lower angle(being kicked by"rin ko")

一緒の布団に入ってみる (try to get into futon together)

じっと寝顔を見られる快感 (Feel excited when kept being watched while sleeping)

940 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:22:13
よし1つ注文しようじゃないか (ok, i will order one)
941 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:22:36
なん・・・だと・・・? (wh, what the?)
942 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:23:07
けしからなさ過ぎて感心するw (touched with your impoliteness)
匠の域だな! (this is really high level)

943 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:23:24
ゆずってくれ たのむ! (sell it to me,please!)
946 名前:名無しくん、、、好きです。。。 投稿日:2009/11/24(火) 22:24:28
すばらしい (marvelous)

K next time go Japan remember to buy one for me!