Saturday, December 12, 2009

Flyers in china... and how they deal with it

Although we can see more and more annoying flyers in our neighbourhood. But in China, these flyers are every where: on poles, railways, atm and even on pavements. These flyers will take lots of time to get rid of them, but there is always a solution......

Even stairs fill with flyers.

not a good place for sight seeing...

and there is more coming

They stick the flyers everywhere that is able to stick.

So much there really any people contact them...

Just hope they can stick them beautifully....

And here comes the cleaner... not sure is official or not..

Burn baby! burn! as you can see, the red circle are burnt flyers, take a look on the pictures again and you can see that there are a lot of black marks....

A mansion that filled with flyers.... Well, you might burn the whole building if you try to burn them though....It seems almost impossible to catch them since there is too many population in this country...
