Monday, December 14, 2009

FF13 Spoiler Festival in 2ch and more

17th DEC 2009,3 days before on sale!But someone in Japan had uploaded the platinum trophy screen shot, and spreading the spoilers, people in 2ch are discussing about the screen shot...

816 名前: 両面テープ(大阪府) [sage] 投稿日: 2009/12/14(月) 11:14:21.66 ID:TILDVmCE

The Last BOSS is ●●●●●●●●●●(spoiler hidden)

Accoding to the picture file properties it was taken by
Docomo HT-03A HTC mobile phone
and other image property value seems real too, including GPS information...

other than that, people have been writing about spoilers all around in 2ch

Oh no... I might have nothing thing to write
if everyone is avoiding 2ch because of FINAL FANTASY XIII!

Extra, FF scoop from BS Japan


It seems that this is only part of the libretto
maybe the International version will be release after 6months-1year...

Sazh's Afro-hair

Lightning's LIPS

Want to kiss....

Extra1, photomontage
Its ok to run away from REALITY if too stressful

Extra2, Kingdom hearts PSP Birth by Sleep 30 sec CM