Thursday, November 26, 2009

Picture that will say "waaa" on otaku


Ways to get an idol!

otaku is beautiful
jano: i want to be beautiful too^_^


otaku flood into"kanto oldest"temple.
our sacred place
 (fan who visit the place-)
(ah, this is the place that kagami had been before)
jano:  the place will become chaos while new years eve....

World's otaku big gathering
cosplay summit
 NO JOB(jobless)
jano: no comment 

jano: nowadays these type of photo taking style is prohibited.

Now   0yen
10,000,000yen left to hit the target
32years old. ex. of popular game magazine editor
Industry's first   1:1 size idol hugging pillow
THIS will definitely sell out well ! 
 jano:  I doubt that..

 Beware!? AKIBA's unusual phenomenon
Why heavy patrol
Problems on "otaku hunting"
 Idol otaku
is strong(strength) 
jano:  These 2 guys really looks strong O_o; 

jano: no one dare to sit near.. do you dare?

akihabara's young people said 
Hope that the person that love akiba(akibahara) 
can be our prime minister
jano:  can I be the prime minister too?

jano: >_<; 

 Akiba's walkers heaven
Why there is people being arrested? 
male cosplayer :
"because one part of them did some abnormal(hentai) things"
male cosplayer :
"then people will think that everyone are the same "
jano:  are you one of them too?

jano:  (;゜д゜)

Start from upper left to right:
Free lance 22:
"get addicted(comic character) because it is not reality"
Senior 3 high school student 18: 
"it is good thing not to know about impurity(uncleanness) "
"they won't betray you(comic character)"
Senior 3 high school student 18: 
"I am interested(in human girls),but didn't think of searching for girl friends"
unknown :
" japanese manga"
4th year University student :
"thinking of isn't there any cute girls(human) anymore"
Senior 2 high school student 16:
"main character is guy,and the left are all girls"
Sneaking in beautiful young girls city akihabara
~young guys that addiced on beautiful young girls characters(comic character)

jano:  I am not one of them 

jano: Spot the difference?

Phenomenon in  [otaku's street]!?
Increasing amount of female in akiba
Female :"Can speak with guys that not in the reality"
jano: who are you speaking with?! 

ask question about sports day in akihabara
Q: will your exercise on [national sports day]?
jano: Miss... are you asking the right person? 

Moe in beautiful young guys
girls in "maiden's road"
Q: "what is the charm of BL series manga?"
A: "Female likes guys+guys(gay) relationship."
jano: go to see a psycologist!!

girls who called "fu jyo shi" moe in gays
miss ruri 18 : "There is no girls that hate homosexual"
jano: go to hospital!!

Moe in beautiful young guys
39years old "pure maiden"
Q: "what is the charm of BL series manga?"
A: "write about the strong feeling on not to advance to ....."  
jano: don't even try to imagine if you don't know what she mean


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